Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Thoughts from today

Interesting things from today...(yesterday excluded because of a bloody nose - that gets me outta pretty much everything).

Today I wasn't invisible! Two people made incorrect turns on the round about circle, but neither tried to kill US, so I suppose it's forgiveable. Someday people in this town will know how to drive on the circle... I gotta say, they didn't make this an easy one! Two lanes, some of which are forced to exit, others forced to continue around, and in some cases, cars that have just entered in the outside lane can go straight through, but the inside lane cars have the option to exit, cutting straight into the outside lane people. All quite ugly (and the fault of the design/building company, not the lame drivers). I did call and complain, but as I said, no one tried to drive into us today, so it's all good. :D

People signaled today. Really, like the fella coming down 85 towards me, he signaled that he was turning into the supermarket, so I just toodled right on down 85 without slowing down for him. YAY!

People waited. Like really, they waited! It's unheard of around here for people to get to a 4-way stop and actually WAIT. It's more of a game of dare - whomever is willing to inch their way up past their corner furthest, and then ZOOM across the intersection fastest gets to go. Today, people waited. :D

And Lisa posted this on DF today, which really cracked me up. What a hoot!

From the Stuff White People Like website:

* #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
* #86 Shorts
* #85 The Wire
* #84 T-Shirts
* #83 Bad Memories of High School
* #82 Hating Corporations
* #81 Graduate School
* #80 The Idea of Soccer
* #79 Modern Furniture
* #78 Multilingual Children
* #77 Musical Comedy
* #76 Bottles of Water
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada
* #74 Oscar Parties
* #73 Gentrification
* #72 Study Abroad
* #71 Being the only white person around
* #70 Difficult Breakups
* #69 Mos Def
* #68 Michel Gondry
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts
* #66 Divorce
* #65 Co-Ed Sports
* #64 Recycling
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
* #61 Bicycles
* #60 Toyota Prius
* #59 Natural Medicine
* #58 Japan
* #57 Juno
* #56 Lawyers
* #55 Apologies
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets
* #53 Dogs
* #52 Sarah Silverman
* #51 Living by the Water
* #50 Irony
* #49 Vintage
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
* #47 Arts Degrees
* #46 The Sunday New York Times
* #45 Asian Fusion Food
* #44 Public Radio
* #43 Plays
* #42 Sushi
* #41 Indie Music
* #40 Apple Products
* #39 Netflix
* #38 Arrested Development
* #37 Renovations
* #36 Breakfast Places
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
* #34 Architecture
* #33 Marijuana
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
* #31 Snowboarding
* #30 Wrigley Field
* #29 80s Night
* #28 Not having a TV
* #27 Marathons
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
* #25 David Sedaris
* #24 Wine
* #23 Microbreweries
* #22 Having Two Last Names
* #21 Writers Workshops
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
* #19 Traveling
* #18 Awareness
* #17 Hating their Parents
* #16 Gifted Children
* #15 Yoga
* #14 Having Black Friends
* #13 Tea
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations
* #11 Asian Girls
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
* #8 Barack Obama
* #7 Diversity
* #6 Organic Food
* #5 Farmer’s Markets
* #4 Assists
* #3 Film Festivals
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to
* #1 Coffee

Although I feel like it isn't good for the world to separate us all out, and it isn't better for anyone to say that something is FOR white people (EVER), I gotta say the writing is FUNNY and I did enjoy it, overall.

All in all, I laughed and felt visable today - so I'll call it a good day and move forward.

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